
Elemental Manifestation Wisdom, Level 1

Are you ready to take your manifestation skills to the next level?

Would you like to learn how your unique personality/energy system works so that you may work with the elements and rhythms of the year to maximize productivity and profits?

Would you like to understand yourself, your creativity and your leadership style more clearly and embody these natural gifts?

If you answered YES to any of these questions this training was created for you!


How Elemental Manifestation Wisdom will work for you

✔️ We will begin by looking deeply into your astrology birth chart for the unique combination of the elemental archetypes that make up your inner creation team.

✔️ We will then explore how these various energies work together within you.

✔️ We will then bring this information into a full body experience so that you make it your own. This work alone is of tremendous value in understanding your unique expression and leadership style.

✔️ This highly experiential course will help you gain greater clarity around what type of creator you naturally are as well as provide invaluable insight as to why you may have conflicting ideas/thoughts regarding how best to organize/live your business and life.

✔️ You will see where you are losing power and find clear, practical solutions as ways to maximize your productivity and creativity in all facets of your life. From here we will dive deeply into each of the elements, 1/weekend.

✔️ We will learn about each element’s developmental task and primary power as well as its soul quality and ecstatic expression.

✔️ We will move together with sacred music to fully activate and embody  the wisdom of each of the elements.

✔️ Additionally, we will learn ways to clear our energy and direct the forces of creation, both internally and externally.


When we work WITH nature she becomes a powerful ally; ready to share her wisdom and magic with all who are reverent and willing to take responsibility for this precious gift. 

This training will UPLEVEL you and your personal power in ways unimaginable!

If you are ready to fully embody yourself as a Divine Creator and Leader you won’t want to miss this.

What this includes:

A one on one creation team reading.

Elemental Oracle card deck

Medicine bundle for your altar

6 weekends (10-5 Saturday, Sunday) 

Class handouts and resources

$997 Investment