Discover Your True Nature.
Activate your energy.
Empower your life!

Discover Your True Nature.
Activate your energy.
Empower your life!

Welcome, Beloveds!

I am thrilled you are here! The time has never been more important than NOW for you to connect to your inner magic and creative power! We are living in transformative times that offer us the opportunity to step up into our personal leadership and together create a field of love to heal our lives and our planet.

The world needs all of us including YOU!

Get Started with my Free Crystalline Consciousness Intention-Setting Meditation

    Hi, I am Sandy Combs, energy coach, creation coach, intuitive artist and Chakradance facilitator! I love combining energy healing techniques with the elements of Nature and deep embodiment practices to release blocks, build inner knowing and resiliency and help you create the life you were meant to live. Oh and let’s not forget the fun! I love having FUN and I know it is potent medicine!

    Crystalline Consciousness Sessions

    Align with your Higher Self, your intentions, with greater ease, deeper insight, and clarity. Release old patterns and wounds. Activate your most authentic expression.


    Has the current world situation got you feeling the stuck? Join me as we plant our feet firmly on the ground, turn up the music and move our bodies!

    Elemental Manifestation Wisdom

    Clarify your purpose and take your business/creativity to the next level with Elemental Manifestation Wisdom!

    What clients are saying…

    “I have known Sandy for more than 35 years. She is of the highest integrity, deeply authentic, a truth speaker, a gifted seer, and a change maker. I have witnessed over the years as she has completely transformed herself from the inside out, down to her deepest core. With this depth of life experience, along with her innate gifts, as well as the many tools available to her – tools she has first used (and continues to use) with great success for her own transformation – she can lead you out of even the deepest, most stuck rut, and on your way to living a much more vital, authentic, and empowered life.

    I have experienced her leadership and guidance using Elemental Forces of Creation, Chakradance, and Crystalline Consciousness Technique. Each is unique and different, incorporating the forces of the Elements, Movement and integration of the Chakras, and a rebalancing of consciousness, respectively.

    I have moved, in a relatively short period of time, from being completely stuck and feeling dried, desiccated, and dead, to feeling alive and vital. I am in the midst of significant changes I never would have imagined possible even 6 months ago.

    Having spent most of my adult life trying to move beyond the effects of complex PTSD, I am finally experiencing real change in a positive direction through the work with Sandy. I am shifting from habitually (and often unconsciously) viewing myself as a victim, to viewing myself as the strong, capable, and resourceful woman I am.
    If you want to change your life, slowly, incrementally, then look elsewhere. If you’re ready to begin actually LIVING, Sandy is the guide for you. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”

    –  C. Sas

    “Sandy Combs is an incredible intuitive energy healer. She mirrored back to me what my body feels like in a way that was so healing and nourishing, I felt seen in a way that I NEVER have in my life.

    Her insights were spot on, and helped me to shift out of the unhealthy mode I was in…it is an experience I will never forget. Sandy has a multitude of gifts, working with her is reclaiming your light and health. I cannot recommend her enough!”

    – Judy Keating

    About Sandy

    I am passionate about helping everyone reclaim their sacred spark and boldest expression! When you work with me, you’ll experience greater vitality and creative flow, along with the skills necessary to create more personal freedom and authentic expression!